
来源:新2网娱乐 作者:新2网娱乐 日期:2020-02-05 浏览:

武漢檢疫站醫院1936年成立,主要工作對途經武昌、漢口、漢陽等揚子江上下游的中外船隻的物品、人員進行消毒滅菌、檢疫、治療、接種疫苗等, 用熏蒸等方法消滅船隻和貨物中有害寄生生物,檢驗船員及旅客的身體狀況和霍亂、白喉、腦膜炎、鼠疫等流行病情況並採取接種疫苗、隔離治療等等措施 , 以下是抄錄和翻譯的1936年武漢檢疫站的一份檢疫報告的部分內容,:

Apart from routine activties two events marked the work of this Station during 1936,namely ,the establisment of a quarantine hospital in Wuhan and the extension of fumingation work to up-riever  ports.


After nearly five year's up-hill work, with the Station thrown practically upon its own resources, we have at last succeeded in equipping a quarantion hospital which,though inadequate and imperfect in many respects,yet serves a useful purpose.


Through the generosity of the Inspector General of Coutoms (Sir Fredesick Maze) and the local Commissioner of Customs (Mr.W.R.Myers),and the assistance of the Dirctor,Dr.Wu Lien-teh,an empty building belonging to the Customs at Hanyang was leased at the nominal figure of $1.00 per annum for five years beginning July 12,1936.

在Fredesick Maze爵士检察长和当地海关专员W.R.Myers先生的慷慨帮助下,在总监吴连德博士的协助下,汉阳海关的一栋空置大楼从1936年7月12日起五年内以每年1.00美元的名义出租。

The new hospital, thoroughly renovated, consists of a two-storeyed brick structure with large front garden,situated along rooms on the ground floor are fitted up as medical officer's examination room,laboratory and pharmacy, male ward,and female ward.


Other rooms are turned into quarters for the officers. There is accommodation for ten beds,and an outpatient clinic was opened on August 15. A resident doctor and nurse are in charge. The disadvantage of the hospital lies in its situation which is a long distance from the quarantine anchorage;hence incoming steamers are invisble from the building. the ideal site for a quarantine station would be on the Hankow Bund at Tan-sui-chi.


Fumigation work at Chungking was initiated  in May and after an interval was renewed in November. Altogether 72 vessels were fumigated at that port with sulphur gas. Both the local Customs and shipping agents(especially the Ming Sung Industrial Company)cooperated with this Station to render the work successfui.

重庆的熏蒸工作于5月开始,11月又延长了一段时间。在那个港口共有72艘船用硫磺气熏蒸。当地海关和船务代理(特别是 Ming Sung 实业公司)都与该站合作,使工作取得了成功。

As a result of the unusually low level of the middle Yangtze River towards the end of the year (a striking contrast to the spate of waters leading to the disatrous floods of 1931), ofdinary navigation by most river steamers became impossible. Launches,bugs,motor boats and lighters were therefore used for transhipment of cargo and passengers to points higher up. This activity threw an additional burden upon our fumigation staff,as these small craft had to be fumigated as required by the quaranttine regulations.




These include:collection of communicable disease statistics,fumigation and disinfection of cargoes and vessels, medical inspection of vessels, fat-flea survey, vaccination and inoculation, issuance of bills of health and certificates for transportation of coffins with corpse,medical services,etc.


Collection of communicable disease statistics

